Michael takes Rossi Ochi back from Frenzy for Dragon Wing
Much heartbreak you've brought, - Frenzy has brought a family heartbreack
for not only adults, - to both Dragon Wing and a colt
She struggles to survive, - Rossi Ochi struggles with her life
in your heavy penninsula. - in Inferno Plains
The sands of time canot be changed, - Time cannot be undone, he knows
Neither can the love of a mother for her abandoned child, - but neither can the bond between Rossi Ochi and her son
Hope and faith follow me in, - Dragon Wings has faith in Michael
Will they get her out? - Michael plans on getting her out
Or must I teach the lightless a lesson so soon? - Or will Frenzy fight?
I steal not for myself, - He does not steal for himself
Though I am dark I am not in heart, - he is a black unicorn
but for those who were seperated a while ago. - He steals her back for Misty Mountains
The father pines for his mare, - Dragon Wing worries about her constantly
as does the son. - as does her colt
The lands swap hands, - Misty Mountains was inherited by the daughter
as happens over time, - This happens all the time,
but he is very much still a great horse, for whom I'll take her from you for. - Dragon Wing is still a champion of stallions.